Museums connect communities past and present
Join the Kelowna Museums Society and keep history alive through exhibitions, programming, collections, conservation, and research. Our vision is to inspire a community to be alive with its history – connecting people and place.
Imagine a community alive with its history
Kelowna Museums Society keeps history alive through exhibitions, programming, collections, conservation, and research. This is a time of renewal at the museums, as witnessed by a gallery overhaul, new programs for families and seniors, and new stories to tell. With your help, we will have more impact and more reach.
Donate to Kelowna Museums Society
We are a registered charitable society, so your donation to Kelowna Museums Society is tax-deductible.
Registered charities number: BN 118978626 RR0001
Donate Online through CanadaHelps is an online service that makes donating, and receiving a tax receipt, easy. All you need is a few minutes and your credit card or PayPal account!
Donate by phone, mail or in-person
Donations can be made over the phone, by mail, or in person at one of our museum locations. Contact us at (250)763-2417 or [email protected].
Kelowna Museums Society
470 Queensway Avenue
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 6S7
Donate artifacts
If you would like to make a donation or are interested in learning more about the Collection process please contact the Curatorial Manager,
Amanda Snyder, at 250-763-2417 ext. 29 or [email protected].
Our Mission
The Kelowna Museums Society provides the public with educational exhibitions and programs that foster personal participation, stimulate curiosity, and engage the senses with the cultures, histories, and possibilities of the Okanagan region.
Our Values
Inclusive, Authentic, Inspiring, Responsive